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Superior Saddlery offers all styles of English saddles: Dressage, Jumping, All Purpose and many more. All saddles are hand made in the U.S.A. with extreme attention to detail. Only the best materials imported from England and Northern Europe are used. The different leathers are selected from the finest tanners and the skins must be flawless in order to be used in production. Superior Saddlery uses special hides of Water Buffalo specifically for its beauty, comfort, and grip. All saddles are built on a laminated beechwood spring-steel tree with wool stuffed panels and built-in gusstet inserts to ensure greater adjustability and comfort for the horse. Comfort of the horse and performance of the rider are always Superior Saddlery's top priority. 







The Fully-Custom Saddle is built around one horse and one rider. It is the most high-end product Superior Saddlery offers. The saddle is built up from a bare saddle tree by Paul Selvey himself. The horse is measured and special patterns are cut according to the morphology and desires of the rider. Every part of the saddle is made to provide the rider and the horse with maximum comfort and maximum performance in mind. 


The Semi-Custom Saddle is built from the tree according to the horse's conformation and measurements. Standard patters are used. Like with the Fully Custom Saddle, the rider chooses all details involved in the saddle such as shape and the firmness of the seat, the type of leather etc...



Superior Saddlery specializes in saddle repair and saddle fittings. Superior Saddlery offers a service unrivaled by any of our competitors and is able to repair anything built on an English frame e.g. Close Contact, Dressage, All Purpose, Jumping, Cross Country etc... You will have the satisfaction of knowing that your saddle is in the hands of a master craftsman with over 30 years of experience in saddle making and repair.

Superior Saddlery also offers a saddle fitting service. Paul personally looks at your saddle and your horse and determines the best action to be taken to ensure that your saddle fits properly and your horse is as comfortable as possible.




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